Haoyu Wang (Andrew)


Doctoral Student, University of Texas at Austin


Google Scholar


I am a third-year Doctoral candidate at the University of Texas at Austin under the supervision of Dr. Jennifer A. Miller. I investigate spatiotemporal variations in fields of ecology, environment, and human-environment interactions using geographic information sciences and remote sensing techniques.


Current Research

Peer-Reviewed Publications/Proceedings

Surdoval, A., M. Jain, E. Blaire, H. Wang, J. Blesh. Financial incentive programs and farm diversification with cover crops: Assessing opportunities and challenges. Environmental Research Letters, 19(4), 044063. [Link]

Wang, H., J. A. Miller, T. H. Grubesic, S. Jha (2023). Using Habitat Suitability Models for Multiscale Forensic Geolocation Analysis. Transactions in GIS, 27(3), 777–796. [Link]

Mei, W., H. Wang, D. Fouhey, W. Zhou, I. Hinks, J. M. Gray, D. Van Berkel, M. Jain (2022). Using Deep Learning and Very-High-Resolution Imagery to Map Smallholder Field Boundaries. Remote Sensing, 14(13), 3046. [Link]

Wang, H., J. A. Miller, T. H. Grubesic, S. Jha (2022). A Framework for Using Ensemble Species Distribution Models for Geographic Attribution in Forensic Palynology. 2022 IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security , pp. 1-7. [Link]

Working Paper

Wuepper, D., H. Wang, W. Schlenker, M. Jain. R. Finger (2023). Institutions and Global Crop Yields. NBER Working Paper No. w31426. [Link]
